Build an App Like Hulu: Features and Cost Analysis

Build an App Like Hulu

The video streaming industry has expanded significantly over the past 10 years, with popular apps such as Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video changing the way audiences listen. Hulu, for instance, has positioned itself distinctively by providing a hybrid of SVoD with Live TV bundle. This has shifted the way individuals stream movies, series, TV shows, and even live sports and hence is causing a surge of interest in similar platforms. For businesses looking to enter the market, understanding the features and costs to build an app like Hulu is essential.

This article intends to give a brief of the viable features which are needed to launch a streaming app like Hulu and the costs involved in its development. From user interfaces to content libraries, payments, or recommendations, creating a video streaming platform requires multiple levels of functionality. Besides explaining the breakdown of the core features, we will briefly analyze the costs of the development, hosting, security, and maintenance. In this guide, you will learn how a streaming platform works to minimize risks and capture a share in this highly competitive market whether you are a beginner or experienced entrepreneur.

What is Hulu and What are its Market Stats?

Before starting to build an app like Hulu, let’s understand what it is and what its market stats are. Hulu does provide a broad spectrum of television programs, films, documentaries, live TV, and other related content well organized. It was established in 2008 and has grown into a leading streaming company, challenging other giants such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Something that sets Hulu aside from its competitors is that it offers both streaming programs on demand as well as live TV channels meaning that users can watch current programs as well as past episodes. 

Its subscription services options are free with ads, paid with ads and a paid live television package that adapts to the various customer bases. If enterprises are interested in entering the streaming space, it is crucial to consider Hulu and leverage its knowledge in order to create an application like Hulu.

  • Currently Hulu is a subscriber based service with over 48 million subscribers within the United States alone as per the first quarter of 2023.
  • Hulu the live TV service has more than 4 million subscriptions.
  • Net annual revenue for Hulu was on average $10 in 2022 according to estimates. 7 billion.
  • Currently Hulu stream service is occupying 15% market share of the total streaming market in the United States.
  • Consumers on average spend slightly above 2 hours daily browsing through Hulu.
  • On average, ads contribute to 65% of Hulu’s revenue, while it is considered to be one of the leading ad-based streaming services.
  • Most popular genres in Hulu are drama, comedy, and reality television programs.
  • These figures show how Hulu is well positioned in the U.S. market and it is possible to develop a similar platform here.

Key Features of a Hulu-like App

Registration & User Profiles

Hulu-like app necessities call for a simplified registration process and users’ profiles. CUI Users should be able to sign in to the system using their email or social media account as a way of personalization. Subscriptions and profiles allow users to customize their watching preferences, history, and subscriptions. It is convenient for the users to divide the recommendations and track one’s own progress by having multiple profiles within the same account. Furthermore, the inclusion of user profile customization features also contributes to improving the general usability of the overall system.

Content Categorization & Search

In order to build an app like Hulu, the content can be grouped and easily searched, thus, it is crucial. There should be sections of any material, such as genres, trends, and new arrivals that will provide ease of access to any target user. Occasionally, the search function has filters and recommendations for finding specific shows, movies, or genres in record time. Calibrating intelligent algorithms for content recommendations using the viewing history can also improve the subject’s satisfaction, as they will never run out of things to watch and the content will interest them.

Customizable User Interface

A flexible UI design is critical to creating an app such as Hulu. Customers like a simple UI with a nice layout that can be personalized to suit their usage and needs. This could include such choices as changing themes, layout settings, and perhaps, display options. Simple and clean design of the site’s layout allows for smooth navigation and improves the experience of viewing content. Through personalization features, you are able to attend to individual preferences to enhance the usage of the app among the users.

Video Quality Options & Adaptive Streaming

It is crucial to have control options for the video quality and to use methods such as adaptive streaming in a Hulu-like application. Users must be able to select high video quality, like HD or 4K, that would suit their device and their internet connection. Video delivery technology controls the quality of a stream and converts it, so users may watch videos continuously without disruptions like buffering. This feature enriches the viewing experience since it enables meaningful video delivery that is optimized depending on the network connection speed of the user.

Payment and Subscription Management

When designing an app like Hulu, it is crucial to incorporate an efficient payment and subscription strategy. It enables users to be able to subscribe to different plans, monitor their accounts further, and make adjustments to their payment methods. The web design should be clear and intuitive, and, if possible, allow for multiple payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and mobile payments. 

This means that it should also accommodate situations like monthly, yearly, paid, or no advertisements depending on the type of subscription. Setting up an automated renewal procedure for subscriptions, billing alerts, and safe payment methods are also essential to consider when creating applications. Besides, it enhances customers’ satisfaction and reduces the issue of churning by providing the ability to adjust their subscription plans and their accounts, thus impacting the app’s sustainability directly.

Cloud-Based Content Delivery (CDN)

When you are building an app such as Hulu, streaming quality content is most efficiently accomplished with a Cloud-Based Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN guarantees that videos, television shows, and live streams reach users within the shortest time possible and across various geographical locations. It also means that content is shared across multiple servers around the globe and thus eliminates instances of delay or a lagging experience even when the traffic is high. 

CDNs also allow for dynamic delivery, which is the process of adjusting the video quality depending on the internet connection of the user to ensure a smooth streaming process. This system improves the utility of the program and reduces the possibility of server crashes. Furthermore, the CDN can prevent cyber risks, thus keeping the content and users’ information secure.

Recommendation Systems

One of the crucial features that need to be incorporated when developing Hulu-like apps is the use of recommendations. The workings of this feature involve the use of algorithms and machine learning to estimate the media consumption pattern of a particular user and recommend various programs. 

Finally, it can learn from the users what TV programs they watch, frequency and duration to suggest TV shows, Films or Genres of the user’s choice. This makes people spend more time on the platform as they are presented with new content they may be interested in. Moreover, recommendation engines can enhance the value and popularity of the shows or movies that were not viewed much by recommending the content to the users, making the platform diverse and adaptable for the users.

Parental Controls

To build an app like Hulu and include features such as parental control is crucial especially for households with children. This feature gives the parents control over what the children are allowed to watch in order to make sure that children are only exposed to materials that are safe for them. It allows creating profiles for children, filtering of the content according to age and ratings, and even the exclusion of specific genres. 

Also, some restrictive settings may be activated with passwords, such as a PIN code to avoid further modifications. This functionality is an important component that helps to prevent child or youth-endangering content while not restricting the adult section. This makes the platform more attractive to a broader audience of learners, which in turn enhances the bond of trust with families.

Localization and Language Support

While developing an application such as Hulu, ensuring localization and language options play a central role in its popularity with users across the world. With this feature, users can translate subtitles or audio of the content depending on the language they wish to be used. However, localization involves translating the features of the app’s interface, including the menus, descriptions, and recommendations, for different cultures. 

It also predicts that content that is specific to the user region of operation will be displayed as a priority. Availability of multiple languages and localized content makes it possible to address different users and expand the applications’ popularity globally. This should greatly help in moving into new territories and also to create the initial sensation of relevancy of the site no matter the user’s location.

Analytics Dashboard

Using an analytics dashboard is mandatory when you develop an app like Hulu and to efficiently manage and develop the streaming platform. User analytics as shown in the following analytics dashboard help to monitor and analyze user, content and general health of an app. This makes it possible for the administrators to monitor the site’s activity, for instance, the number of active users, watch time, popular content, and subscription rates. 

In this way, accumulated data can be used for optimizing the future content purchases, interacting with users and enhancing the system performance. It can also track technical things like the buffering rates or the server downtimes so that users do not experience any hitch. Effectively, it is more of a practical solution, which will assist in managing the app’s efficiency and expansion.

Cost Estimation For Building an App Like Hulu

Design & Prototyping

If you are developing a platform such as Hulu, then the initial stages would include the creation of the form and model. This stage involves style and layout, which focuses on the design of the app’s UI and is also geared towards UX before finalizing on a design and creating models that can physically be used for showcasing the format of the app. It is to ensure that the right audience is attracted to the application and is also glued to the app for long.

The workflow includes wireframing, UI/UX designing, and the creation of clickable prototypes for further examination. This phase enables the organization of the app to focus on easy navigation, content development, and ease of access as key success factors.

Cost Estimation:

  • Basic Design: 5000 $ – 15000$
  • Mid-Level Design: It cost between $15, 000 to $30, 000.
  • High-End Design & Prototyping: Of this, a third is between $30,000 and $50,000 or more.

Development (Front-end, Back-end)

In order to develop an application like Hulu, development work involves both front-end as well as back-end work. The front-end relates to the graphic interface and the recognizable elements that users engage with: navigation, menu bars, video players, etc. The back-end is the creation of the server, database, and APIs that handle users, streams, subscriptions, and much more.

Front end developers are responsible for developing and coding for the application so that it fits into the smartphone, tablet or the bigger desktop while the back end developers are responsible for durability, speed and capacity of the application.

Cost Estimation:

  • Front-End Development: The usual age range is from $20,000 – $50,000.
  • Back-End Development: It will cost about $30,000 – $100,000.
  • API & Integrations: Spend Money on: $10 000 – $30 000

Security & Data Protection

When you develop an application like Hulu, it is crucial to incorporate appropriate security measures and protection of users’ data, subscriptions, as well as payment information. This includes protecting data through encryption, coming up with secure systems of login, and adherence to the regulations on data protection such as the GDPR.

Also, measures like DRM (Digital Rights Management), make it impossible for content to be provided or downloaded through piracy. There are also securer firewalls APIs and other security audits which are required to save the platform from invasive breaches and cyber threats.

Cost Estimation:

  • Basic Security Features: $10 000 – 20 000
  • Advanced Security (DRM, Encryption, Compliance): Five thousand US dollars to one hundred twenty-five thousand US dollars.
  • Ongoing Security Audits & Maintenance: ranging from five to fifteen thousand US dollars annually.

Video Hosting & Cloud Infrastructure

One of the biggest costs when developing an app like Hulu is video app hosting and cloud service. This entails creating petabytes of videos and the capacity to deliver them to users on demand. Customers such as AWS or Google Cloud utilize it to manage large volumes of data and guarantee video streaming. Selecting the right cloud solution makes it possible for users to get the best stream without interference.

Estimated Costs:

  • Basic Setup (Small-scale): $5,000 At least $ 10, 000 per month
  • Mid-range Setup: 250000 – 500000 RMB/month (It’s equally important to estimate the expenses)
  • Enterprise-level Setup (Large-scale): $50,000+/month
  • Another cost is the cost for scalability features and security of the cloud services since it is part of your total costs.

Third-Party API Costs (Streaming, Payment, etc.)

As you develop an app like Hulu the third-party APIs are crucial in key functionalities including streaming, payment and analytics. Streaming APIs provide features in terms of video compression and delivery of videos in adaptive bit rates and smooth delivery across devices. Subscription services may be used with payment gateways such as Stripe or PayPal and enable users to subscribe and pay safely.

Some of these third-party APIs are available for free while others will require one to subscribe before using them or one will be charged every time they uses the API. As for the APIs, you can select different ones depending on the application’s characteristics; however, working with premium APIs guarantees high efficiency and stability.

Estimated Costs:

  • Streaming API: 1 to 5 thousand dollars per month depending on the amount of trafficPBS Kids is an American children’s television channel that offers programs for kids too young for teenager shows.
  • Payment Gateway: 2% Commission range of 5% percent effective up to 5% on each transaction.
  • Other APIs (Analytics, Social Sharing): between $500 and $2000 in a month.

Testing & Quality Assurance

In developing a streaming application that can be easily used by the user, the testing and quality assurance are vital processes which should be conducted. QA helps in confirming that the application is free from bugs, and flows appropriately on other devices, consequently enhancing the user experience. Some of the areas for example are how the videos are played, the interface and any payments that are to be made must be tested intensively. In order to develop an app like Hulu, one needs both the manual and the automation testing techniques to ensure that the possible problems are covered.

Estimated Costs:

  • Manual Testing: $10,000 to $30,000 as a one time charge.
  • Automated Testing: $20 $000 – $50 $000 (one off)
  • Ongoing QA (for app updates): 5000–10000$ per month

Application testing is not a waste of resources because it guarantees that the app performs optimally under various circumstances thus improving the user’s experience.

Maintenance & Scaling Costs

Once you have developed an app such as Hulu, then there are continued expenditures on maintenance and scalability of the application. They involve issues such as eradicating bugs, enhancement of features coupled with testing its compatibility to other devices and operating systems. It’s important that as the number of your users increases, your infrastructure will also need to support that change.

Estimated Costs:

  • Basic Maintenance: $5,000 – $15,000 monthly
  • Advanced Maintenance (frequent updates): $20,000 -$ 50,000 per month
  • Scaling (server upgrades, additional features): 50000 – 100000 USD or 10,000 – 30,000 USD monthly

Technical Considerations

Tech Stack Choices (Frontend & Backend Technologies)

When you are planning to develop an application like Hulu, it is crucial to choose the right tech stack to make the app run efficiently and scale up as needed. The actual app interface, which users can use and engage with, can be developed using common technologies like ReactJS/ Angular for web-based platforms, and Swift/ Kotlin for iOS and Android based apps. 

They make it possible to achieve a fast, responsive website experience. In the data and streaming requests’ side, which constitutes the backend, there are technologies such as Node. languages of choice that are commonly used include js, Python, or Ruby on Rails. A robust database, such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL, will be used to keep user data and content stored. The backend communicates with servers to deal with further massive requests and video data; therefore, this layout is critical in streaming.

Choosing the Right CDN for Video Streaming

When you are designing an app like Hulu, which is concerned with streaming of videos, the CDN you choose is critical in ensuring fast and quality delivery of content. CDN is a network of servers that distribute videos on the Internet to users at their local server, reducing wait times. Some of the most reputable CDNs include Akamai, Amazon CloudFront, and Google Cloud CDN, all of which provide exceptional reliability, security, and speed. CDNs are supposed to work with large traffic rates, and using the system, users can watch videos at high traffic without stuttering. Apart from helping store video content in different parts of the globe, a CDN also helps in the reduction of server burdens consequently making the app scalable for the uptake of a huge number of users as it is engineered to handle such loads without straining.

API Integration for Video Hosting

When designing an app similar to Hulu, it is crucial to incorporate video hosting APIs that assist the platform to stream the videos. APIs can be viewed as intermediaries between your app and video hosting services that guarantee content delivery is safe and fast. Some of the more well-known APIs for video hosting are Vimeo, Brightcove, and Wowza which integrate smoothly with many functions such as the adjustment of the quality of the stream, encryption of videos, and support of various formats. 

These APIs control encoding and adapt videos depending on users’ connections since quality can be impacted. These services are beneficial to developers as it allows them to skip the process of having to build a video hosting system from the ground up, as well as when it comes to providing a smooth video watching experience to its user base.

Performance Optimization

While creating an app like Hulu, performance optimization is one of the key points because videos require a lot of processing and storage resources. Performance optimization involves aspects such as decreasing loading time, avoiding instances where videos buffer, and making sure the application can cope with traffic. 

Some of the approaches like lazy load, where only the exact data is shouldered at an interval instead of loading all at once can help make the app faster. Adaptive bitrate streaming enables the quality of the video to be changed to match the speed of the internet of the users. Thus, minimizing buffering. On the backend side, effective caching and proper server selection with auto-scaling capabilities helps the app to handle the increased user load. Testing and monitoring of the frontend and the backend health are also crucial to ensure constant smooth video streaming is achieved at all times.

Monetization Strategies

While you decided to build an app like Hulu you must  know about its monetization strategies, here they are:

Hybrid Models (Ads Subscription)

When you plan to build an app like Hulu, the most suitable approach to monetization is the two-tier model, which involves ads and subscription. In addition, Hulu provides users with a cheaper rate that allows viewing content with ads. This enables the company to generate its revenues not only from the subscription charges but also from the advertisement. Subscribers who wish to avoid commercials, hulu offers a higher price option. It thereby optimizes profitability by catering to the bottom-line consumers who can accept advertisements, and the high-end users who desire advertisement-free streaming. Free models also enable growth in streaming platforms’ subscription costs while generating considerable advertisers’ revenue from specific niches.

Tiered Subscription Plans

When you build an app like Hulu, another effective way of monetization is the implementation of a tiered subscription plan. Hulu has three plans: a basic, which has ads; a no ads plan; and a plan with ad-free and live TV option. These tiers serve the users of different levels – generally interested in movies and shows to the users who wish to watch more films and shows during their visit. It provides the user with an option of selecting the most suitable plan depending on the amount they are willing to spend or the kind of content they wish to view. This model attracts more diverse users but also allows increasing the revenue from them over time as users become more involved in the platform, offering them licenses of higher functionality steps.

Integrating Sponsored Content

Other monetization strategies that are likely proved effective when developing an app like Hulu include implementing sponsored content. Hulu partners with brands to create sponsored programming, have programs funded by a company or even short clips that fund pre-roll or intermissions. These partnerships provide brands exposure in front of a specific audience and also reach an extra source of income for the firm. There are several types of sponsored content including integration, co-branded series and content that is exclusive to sponsored partnership. It also ensures a win-win situation where the streaming service gets more revenues while the advertiser promotes its messages to the viewers indirectly.


Developing an app similar to Hulu should consider appropriate features and expenses. To build a relevant streaming competitor, you must implement general functionalities, individual accounts, content catalogs, payment methods, high-definition video delivery, and search suggestions. Furthermore, proper compatibility of devices, good security, and well-organized cloud service is crucial for the user stimulation. Other expenses like cloud hosting of the content or content delivery network and licensing costs are also a part of the total expenses. Another essential cost is the acquisition of content from providers and the procurement of security and legal requirements.

Written By:

Krishna Kumar

Krishna is the founder and Client success head at technoyuga Soft. He has 10+ years of experience helping startups and enterprises across the globe. Under his leadership, technoyuga has grown from 2 to 35+ tech nerds. So far, he has validated over 100+ web and Mobile app ideas for our clients and helped many startups from ideation to revenue-making businesses.

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