Cost and Features to Build an App Like Uber Eats: An Ultimate Guide

Build an App Like Uber Eats

People living in the modern world cannot imagine their life without the help of certain applications, and food delivery apps are one of them. In this market, UberEats can be regarded as one of the leaders due to its popularity among clients and performance rates. And various businessmen want to Build an App Like Uber Eats Uber Eats is a food delivery app created by Uber in 2014, it enables users to easily order any tasty meals and have them brought to their doorsteps wherever they are.

The Benefit of Food Delivery Apps in the Current Market Environment cannot be Overemphasized. They offer an easy and fast method for everyone who lacks the time and energy to prepare meals in their own home, be it an individual, a family or even a company. These apps have gone a long way in making the lives of these consumers easier but also have created incremental business models for restaurants and other food service providers.

So, if you are planning to build the app like UberEATS, then read this article as it is important for you to know about the cost and features of the app. Read more and start the process to build Food Ordering App Development.

Overview to Uber Eats

Uber Eats – A delivery service that started in 2014 based on the same parent company Uber has grown to be a giant in the delivery services. The app helps people find numerous local food outlets and let them order meals from them either for delivery or for takeout with the help of a couple of swipes on the screen. Uber Eats is available in many cities across the world and has a wide range of restaurants and food delivery options to meet different clients’ preferences.

The positive factors that we can associate with Uber Eats are its accessibility, the delivery cycle, and the number of restaurants incorporated into the platform. UberEATS makes sure that it has available contracted drivers from Uber. Thereby, making the delivery prompt, within 30 minutes to an hour at most. Additional services include, order tracking, preferences for restaurants, and other options facilitating its use for the user.

Furthermore, Uber Eats has greatly disrupted the restaurant industry by enabling restaurants to expand their customer base without having to invest in delivery. This has greatly benefited many restaurants that are small and medium sized by expanding their income and clientele base. As it continues to evolve and expand, UberEats continues to retain its dominance in the food delivery market and serves as the gold standard when it comes to food delivery.

The Cost To Build an App Like Uber Eats

When you plan to Build an App Like Uber Eats you must analyze the cost. So, here are the cost considerations:

App Development Team

Costs also differ according to the location of a development team and their skill levels. A typical team consists of:

  • Project Manager: It supervises the workflow and distribution of the tasks together with the overall responsibility for delivering the project on time.

Cost: $5,000 – $6,000

  • UI/UX Designer: Designs the superficial layouts including the first-draft or the wireframes, actual mock-ups or the prototypes of the application and the look-and-feel of the app.

Cost: $1,000 – $3,000

  • Frontend Developer: The front-end where the user interface is implemented and the responsiveness of the designed interface is responsible for.

Cost: $2,000 – $3,000

  • Backend Developer: In charge of working with the back end of the application, databases and interacting with APIs.

Cost: $1,000 – $2,000

  • QA Engineer: Checks for any issues regarding the functionality of the applied bugs as well as the performance of the app.

Cost: $3,000 – $4,000

App Design

Another area of design that needs to be considered is the extent to which the design is user-friendly and clear to the viewers. This involves:

  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Ideas and concepts laid at the foundation for the creation of the app and early designs of how the app shall look like.

Cost: $3,000 – $5,000

  • User Interface (UI) Design: Perhaps, one in which the focus is on the specific design of the application’s screens and parts of them.

Cost: $7,000 – $8,000

  • User Experience (UX) Design: Making sure that the users will find it simple to use and move through the app.

Cost: $5,000 – $6,000

App Features

The overall issue is cost, its dependents and relations with the number of features and their complexity. Essential features for a food delivery app include:

  • User Registration and Profiles:

Cost: $2,000 – $5,000

  • Restaurant Listings:

Cost: $3,000 – $4,500

  • Search and Filters:

Cost: $2,000 – $3,000

  • Order Placement and Management:

Cost: $3,000 – $4,000

  • Payment Gateway Integration:

Cost: $3,000 – $6,000

  • Real-time Order Tracking:

Cost: $4,000 – $6,000

  • Push Notifications:

Cost: $1,500 – $3,000

  • Ratings and Reviews:

Cost: $2,000 – $4,000

  • Customer Support:

Cost: $2,000 – $5,000

Backend Development

This is the process of configuring the server and or database and the general coordination between the front end and back end.

  • Server Setup and Management:

Cost: $10,000 – $13,000

  • Database Management:

Cost: $7,000 – $5,000

  • API Development:

Cost: $5,000 – $6,000

API Integration

APIs are essential for integrating various third-party services such as: 

  • Payment Gateways (Stripe, PayPal):

Cost: $3,000 – $6,000

  • Mapping Services (Google Maps API):

Cost: $2,000 – $5,000

  • Social Media Logins:

Cost: $1,500 – $3,000

Testing and Quality Assurance

Thorough testing keeps the app from having a lot of issues and works well with every other situation. This includes:

  • Functionality Testing:

Cost: $3,000 – $5,000

  • Usability Testing:

Cost: $2,000 – $4,000

  • Performance Testing:

Cost: $3,000 – $5,000

  • Security Testing:

Cost: $4,000 – $7,000

Maintenance and Updates

Quality assurance post-launching application requires addressing mechanical and internal issues and adding new functionalities to meet emerging operating systems’ and devices’ standards.

  • Monthly Maintenance:

Cost: $1,500 to $3,000 each month.

  • Feature Updates:

Cost: In the range of $5,000 -$6,000 for each update.

Estimated Total Cost

  • Basic Version: Defining a basic food delivery application with mandatory functionality will cost about $ 70,000 to $ 100,000.
  • Mid-level Version: An original application with the package of additional options and the more attractive design may cost within the range of $100, 000-$150, 000.
  • Advanced Version: There is fodder for spending approximately $150,000 to $200,000 or even more with d
  • Different features incorporated in the full-fledged application such as AI-generated recommendations, chat support, and others.
  • Additional Costs
  • Marketing and Promotion: Awareness and getting the audience.

Cost: $10,000 – $20,000

  • Legal and Compliance: In the proposed app they will have to meet legal requirements of the area they are in.

Cost: $5,000 – $10,000

What are The Benefits Of Building an App Like Uber Eats

Build an App Like Uber Eats is a prudent venture since it comes with a lot of benefits for the business owner and the consumer. Here are some of the key advantages:

Market Demand

There has been a very high demand for meal delivery services, this is because food delivery is convenient. It is an opportunity to venture into a new market that is quite promising in terms of customers.

Revenue Generation

Food delivery apps can generate substantial revenue through various streams, including:

  • Delivery Fees: Asking customers to incur costs of delivering ordered products or services.
  • Service Fees: Sophisticated charges that are often added to the price of products to reflect their efficiency and speed.
  • Commission from Restaurants: By charging a commission on each order from the partnered restaurant businesses.
  • Advertising: Avenue for restaurants to advertise through having promotion spaces.

Brand Recognition

App design and functionality can positively boost the visibility and image of your brand if the same is designed well and functioning efficiently. Since more people start ordering food with your app, the brand builds an association of being the go-to service for delivering meals.

Customer Loyalty

Loyalty programs, special promotions for valued customers, and tailored offers are some of the things that can help to attract more customers. The return rate increases whenever a customer is happy with the operations done by the app, thus improving the lifetime value.

Operational Efficiency

Interactions with customers and handling of orders and deliveries can be conducted through a single interface. Services like order tracking, payment processing and customer support can be automated to minimize the amount of manual work done.

Data Insights

The food delivery apps can get precious insights into the customers’ behavior, their orders, and their use of the services during a week, for example. By studying such data, there are sufficient chances to gain the understanding of the customers’ behavior and their needs, which is sufficient to alter your services or marketing techniques.

Partnership Opportunities

By developing an app similar to Uber Eats, a lot of possibilities of getting into different restaurants, cafes or other food providers are created. These partnerships can be beneficial for both parties- the restaurants get exposure to a larger pool of customers and your app, more downloads.


The app can grow with expansion as necessary and add more features that could be beneficial to the user. As the user base and number of restaurants partnering with the application increases, the application can be developed to incorporate new features, services and could potentially expand into new geographical locations to meet the demands of the market.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Making it easy for customers to order food enhances their experience and thus making it easier to get more sales. Add-ons like order tracking where customers can monitor their order status, more methods of payment, free customer service for customers increase user utility.

Competitive Advantage

The application should be strong and have all necessary functions to be competitive in the market. Thus, providing better services, faster and more convenient delivery, and unique features, one can outcompete other delivery services.

The Key You Need To Integrate Features to Build an App Like Uber Eats

User Registration and Profiles

User registration and profiles can be pre-requisites for the users to kick start utilization of the application. Account creation in this feature is done through the users’ email, phone number, or even a social media account. After the registration process, consumers can sign in their accounts to manage their profile, edit personal details, and preserve preferred food businesses and past orders. An effective registration process improves on the overall flow of the application by allowing clients to sign up and begin to use the application. 

It also assists in customizing the app through the restaurant and dish recommendation based on the client preference or previous orders. One of the significant components to safeguard user information includes implementing robust passwords, including encrypting passwords as well as enabling users to log in via more than one factor. In general, user registration and profiles are basic and essential components that allow individual and secure communication inside the application.

Restaurant Listings

The restaurant listings are one of the key components as they provide all the available restaurants to the users. This feature covers all sorts of details about restaurants such as the menus that the restaurant offers, the prices it charges and its ratings or reviews, and the delivery time. Users are able to check out a selection of different cuisines, look at pictures of the food and read the comments from other customers. 

They also ensure that the users have all the necessary features and the relevant information on where to place their orders. For the restaurant owners, the presence of their restaurants in the app means that they will attract more clients. Ensuring that information is accurate involves including a dynamic database so that all information is up-to-date. Besides improving the user satisfaction to the range of offered options, this feature also increases the sales rates in restaurants as it expands the circle of potential customers.

Search and Filters

Internal features such as search and filter are important aspects that enable end users to locate the exact information that they are looking for with ease. Users can type certain queries such as restaurant name, certain foods or type of cuisine they are interested in. Many users can select specific constraints within which they want to view the eatery’s profile including the type of cuisine, cost, time of delivery, rating, and special diets. It improves the usability and profitability of the application, as it enables users to easily scroll through numerous opportunities available. Applying advanced search, using proper algorithms and adopting filter solutions guarantees that users can easily search for their meals. Search and filtering also not only contribute to the time-saving but also to the factor of user satisfaction as well as busy app usage.

Order Placement and Management

Location, order placement and management are the fundamental aspects of any food ordering application. This feature enables the choice of dishes, their addition to a shopping cart, options, and a choice of delivery or takeaway. This section allows ordering information to be reviewed, a discount code to be added, and the payment type to be selected. The app once an order is placed should be in a position to give real time order status from the time an order is placed till it gets to the consumer. 

Optimal order management reduces the likelihood of order mistakes and, at the same time, also ensures timely delivery of the orders. This feature also involves visualizing prior orders, repeated orders, and consulting with the concerned service in case of necessity. Easier and faster order placement and order management improves the user experience by offering more convenience and reliability, which in turn will prompt users to engage with the application in the future.

Payment Gateway Integration

The Integration of a payment gateway is the core feature that enables safe and efficient completing of transactions in the application. This feature covers credit/debit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers, ensuring that users are not limited to how they pay for the orders they place. Security must always be considered first, which is why it is crucial working with payment processing systems that include SSL encryption and can fight fraud. 

Factors that comprise a seamless payment procedure involve the ability to store the payment method for future use, allowing users to pay through a single click, and immediate confirmation of payment. This way you can assure the user and his/her confidence that their details submitted on the payment page are safe. For building users’ satisfaction and to ensure they come back often for more services, a smooth as well as a secure payment system is essential.

Real-time Order Tracking

Order tracking means that users are able to monitor the status of their orders as soon as they are placed and up to the time the food has been delivered. This is a blessing for customers since they are able to track the progress of their delivery thus creating a sense of trust. It typically requires the use of tools such as GPS to monitor the movements of the delivery person and then notifying the user on the approximate time of arrival. 

To regain it in real-time, you can use Google Maps API or any other location-based service that will provide current data. This feature does not only enhance the quality of the product by giving customers information but also contributes in organizing the delivery process. Also, it minimizes the number of questions regarding the status of an order thus cutting the load on the customer support team.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are messages that are delivered directly to the user’s device of choice to inform him or her about a number of updates about their orders, special offers or any other news. They can contain order confirmation, its status, information about new special offers, and reminders about the order. Sending push notifications involves employing services such as FCM for Android or APNs for iOS to integrate with your application. 

This feature increases user interactions as it offers updated information that will make the user have frequent use of the application. The use of push notifications has been shown to result in greater customer loyalty and more sales, because people are more likely to act on messages that are relevant to their interests.

Ratings and Reviews

Considering the fact that ratings and reviews are some of the features that enable users to give out their experiences with specific restaurants and delivery services. This feature is useful to keep quality and trust within the app, and allow other customers to make decisions based on the feedback of former users. The ratings and reviews system is a plan that requires designing a simple navigated customer space in which it is possible to rate orders and leave feedback. 

This feedback can then be quantified by utilizing negative and positive polarity measurement tools to define general trends of consumers’ opinions. Urging users to submit truthful reviews keeps the platform credible and promotes the sense among its clients that their contributions are important. Customers can offer praises that can improve the reputation of restaurants or suggestions that can lead to enhancing the service standards.

Customer Support

Technical help is essential to respond to customer inquiries, concerns, and feedback in a timely manner. Some of the most common components being the in-app chat, Frequently Asked Questions, and Contact Us Form. Chatbots such as those built with Dialog Flow or Chatfuel can offer on-demand answers to frequently asked questions or point seekers in the correct direction. 

For more complicated questions, users can always turn to a support team that is available via live chat or email. Giving good clip support services to customers improves the extent of user satisfaction and the users’ loyalty since their issues will be fixed. It also contributes to building a good app reputation among the clients making them rely on the app service.

Admin Dashboard

Admin panel is a complex that helps the application administrators to control various parameters, such as users, restaurants, orders and any other content in the application. It contains exhaustive options that allow overseeing or modifying several features of the application, including restaurants’ list updates or customers’ feedback. The dashboard typically provides analytics and reporting means where performance data can be analyzed and a decision is made from. 

For instance, the popular web technologies such as React or Angular can be utilized for generating a smooth interface for an administration. Admin dashboard plays an essential role in the smooth functioning of the application and its effectiveness in real-world scenarios, hence resulting in optimal usability of the application.

Promotions and Discounts

Special offers and rebates are excellent tools for acquiring and maintaining the customer base due to their ability to provide certain benefits. This feature enables the administrators to create several promotional activities including coupons, BOGOFs, discounted sales, and loyalty programs. 

Possibility of targeting the right audience with offers also falls under the category of integrating various aspects of marketing automation. Flexible options for applying discounts to an order allow users to make it easy to apply during checkout for customers. By providing special offers, the app can increase the usage of the app and product sales as well as offer users value afterwards.

Multi-language and Multi-currency Support

Another crucial factor for reaching people all around the world is the availability of many languages and currencies. This feature enables a user to choose his or her preferred language and currency so that the App is very friendly to all users from the various regions. Language support is provided through internationalization libraries such as i18next, while currency conversion APIs guarantee the proper translation and currency rates. 

Enabling multi-language and multi-currency helps to provide clients with the comfortable service which they can apply due to their geographical location and preferences. It also enlarges the penetrated users, which enhances the market prospects of the application in different countries/areas.


Creating an application that will be as functional and popular as Uber Eats is a challenging but extremely beneficial process. Every step, from the idea and design stage all the way through to development and implementation needs qualified manpower, good planning, and sizable capital outlay. Some features, such as order tracking, push notifications, ratings and reviews, customer support, admin panels, promotions, and multi-language and multi-currency support are vital to making the app user-friendly and to have the desired outcomes.

Development of such an app costs anywhere between $70 000 and $200 000 or even beyond, depending on the level of complexity of work. Yet, it can serve as a source of revenue generation, market demand and brand recognition and thus has to be pursued. The potential benefits of app-based food delivery services include better customer loyalty, streamlined operations, rich data source, and numerous partnership opportunities.

So, if you want to develop an app like ubereats, do contact us. We at Technoyuga can help you through it. A team of competent developers, designers, and project managers will be happy to offer and implement exclusively designed and developed solutions that can give your food delivery business a competitive edge.

Written By:

Krishna Kumar

Krishna is the founder and Client success head at technoyuga Soft. He has 10+ years of experience helping startups and enterprises across the globe. Under his leadership, technoyuga has grown from 2 to 35+ tech nerds. So far, he has validated over 100+ web and Mobile app ideas for our clients and helped many startups from ideation to revenue-making businesses.

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